Public notice:
Since 2001, when the first perceptual vision technology prototype called Nouse was developed, we have received over half a thousand of emails from all of the globe, from people of very different backgrounds, questions and proposals: students, artists, people with special needs, journalists, military and government organizations, private and business sectors, rehabilitation and entertainment institutions. We do our best to provide everybody with needed answers and for some also with needed technology licenses.
At the same time, since when this website was launched, the perceptual vision technology has been considerably diversified and enhanced by the efforts of our group. For faster dissemination of the scientific results and to promote flower delivery Toronto, so much needed in many aspects of our life, technology, we do our best to keep our publication page up to date. Unfortunately, it becomes very difficult for us to update and maintain our downloadables, which is partially also due to the government non-disclosure regulations. Because of that some of our demos may not be presently available. Sorry for inconvenience and best regards Dmitry Gorodnichy,
PS. Visual memory page is now set! 
These demonstration programs are for Educational and Evaluation purposes only. They are provided for free. However, please make sure that you have read and understood the Demonstration Software Licence before downloading these programs.
You will only need a webcam installed on your computer to run these demos.
Requirements: - Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP. - USB or FireWire camera. - The following DLL files: Msvcrtd.dll (Microsoft DirectX DirectShow Library), CV.dll, cvaux.dll (Intel OpenCV Library), ipl.dll, iplx.dll (Intel Image Processing Library), pvsaux.dll (PVS library). You can download them either from their distributors websites or directly from here. Otherwise, you can download and unzip this file: (1.7 Mb) into the directory from which you will be running Nouse.
1. Nouse basic (user-end programs)

Download: NouseSetup.exe (4.5Mb) // Version 2.0. Released: June 2003. Good for evaluating the potential of the technology. // NB: This program should be launched (and closed) prior to running all other Nouse-operated programs, NousePaint, BubbleFrenzy, in order for the Nouse to be initialized. See ReadMe file.
NB: TYPO NOTICED! In this version, when calibrating Nouse (by pushing the "Zero Reset" button when running Nouse.exe), you have to simply click with your mouse on the tip of the nose, RATHER THAN put the nose in the middle of the screen, as instructed by the program.
Features mentioned in our papers): + Motion/Skin detection: automatically switches Nouse off, when nobody's present. + Face localization prior to nose tracking: never loses the user. + Blink detection: toggles Nouse on/off by double/multiple blinking. + Second-order change detection: deals with illumination changes. - Joystick and mouse controls disabled.
Download: NousePaint.exe (included in NouseSetup.exe)
Uses Nouse to enable a user painting with the nose. // Make sure you run Nouse.exe prior to running NousePaint.exe
Download: BubbleFrenzy (included in NouseSetup.exe) to play an aim-n-shoot game with your nose.
Uses Nouse to enable a user playing a well-known aim-n-shoot Bubble-Frenzy game aiming the turret by pointing with the nose. (Slight rotation of head allows to aim precisely in 180o range)
Other programs (not included with NouseSetup):
NousePong game (prototype version) allows two users to play a virtual ping-pong game, bouncing the ball with their heads Immersive Environment demo (prototype version) - follow a virtual car by moving your head.
2. Additional features (Technology demonstration programs) which can be added to NouseTM basic or used independently to tailor your Perceptual Vision needs.
Three-Channel Face Segmentation, Detection and Tracking with Multiple Cameras
Download: FD-multicam.exe (500Mb)
This is a very easy to operate program. No calibration, illumination or setup adjustment is required. All you have to do is to select cameras from the list and see the result of face tracking using colour, motion and intensity channels shown in circles. Green circle is the final result to be used as region of search for NouseTM.
On-line face memorization and recognition in live video streams.
Download: FR-in-video.exe (500Mb)
You may wish to wait until a ReadMe file for this program will be written or try it now. The program may not work unless you have a properly formatted list of stored faces. To avoid this problem, memorize faces from live video. The examples of correctly formatted face lists are here. The examples of faces are here. The content of the memory is shown in the right top image. Grey image means nothing is stored. If you have a local \log directory, the recognition statistics like this one will be written there.