1fd1 Biologically-Inspired Face Detection: Non-Brute-Force-Search Approach
Christian Siagian and Laurent Itti
2fd2 Tracking a Detected Face with Dynamic Programming
Zhengrong Yao and Haibo Li
3fd3 Detecting Faces from Color Video by Using Paired Wavelet Features
Szu-Hao Huang and Shang-Hong Lai
4fd4 Face Tracking by Means of Continuous Detection 
Bernhard Fröba and Christian Küblbeck
5fd5 Learning with Cascade for Classification of Non-Convex Manifolds
Xiangsheng Huang, Stan Z.Li, Yangsheng Wang
6ey1 Eye Center Localization using Adaptive Templates
Jürgen Rurainsky and Peter Eisert
7ey2 Towards automatic retrieval of blink-based lexicon for persons suffered from brain-stem injury using video cameras
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy
8ey3 Using Eye Region Biometrics to Reveal Affective and Cognitive States
Ric Heishman, Zoran Duric and Harry Wechsler
9ft1 A Particle Filter without Dynamics for Robust 3D Face Tracking 
Le Lu, Xiang-tian Dai, Gregory Hager
10ft2 A Real-time Face Tracking and Animation System 
Xiaozhou Wei, Zhiwei Zhu, Lijun Yin, Qiang Ji
11ft3 Constructing and Fitting Active Appearance Models With Occlusion
Ralph Gross, Iain Matthews, and Simon Baker
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
12ft4 Real Time 3D Face Pose Tracking From an Uncalibrated Camera
Zhiwei Zhu, Qiang Ji
13ft5 Is A Magnetic Sensor Capable of Evaluating A Vision-Based Face Tracking System?
Zhengrong Yao and Haibo Li
14fm1 Delaunay Triangulation based 3D Human Face Modeling from Uncalibrated Images
Reza Hassanpour, Volkan Atalay
15fm2 Direct Image Matching by Dynamic Warping 
Hansheng Lei
16fm3 Mobile Face Capture for Virtual Face Videos
Chandan K. Reddy, George Stockman, Jannick P. Rolland, Frank A. Biocca
17fa1 From Static to Video: Face Recognition Using a Probabilistic Approach
Aleix M. Martinez and Yongbin Zhang
18fa2 Using associative memory principles to enhance perceptual ability of vision systems 

Dmitry O. Gorodnichy and Oleg P. Gorodnichy
19fa3 Dynamics of Facial Expression from Video 
Marian Stewart Bartlett, Gwen Littlewort, Ian Fasel, Javier Movellan
20fa4 Manifold Based Analysis of Facial Expression
C. Hu, Y. Chang, R. Feris, M. Turk
21fa5 Evaluation of Face Resolution for Expression Analysis
Yingli Tian
22fa6 Tracking Head Yaw by Interpolation of Template Responses
Mario Romero and Aaron Bobick
23fr1 Exploring Face Space
Terence Sim and Sheng Zhang
24fr2 Component-based face recognition with 3d morphable models
Benjamin Weyrauch, Jennifer Huang, Bernd Heisele, Volker Blanz
25fr3 Development of a Face Recognition System on an Image Processing LSI chip 
Tatsuo Kozakaya and Hiroaki Nakai
27fr5 Face Recognition from Image Sets using Robust Kernel Resistor-Average Distance
Ognjen Arandjelovic and Roberto Cipolla
28fr6 The Symbiotic Relationship of Parts and Monolithic Face Representations in Verification
Simon Lucey
29fr7 Automatic Databases for Unsupervised Face Recognition
Dengpan Mou, Rainer Schweer, Albrecht Rothermel
30fr8 Cross-modality automatic face model training from large video databases
Xiaodan Song, Ching-yung Lin, Ming-Ting Sun