Important dates in 2007:
January 19 February 20 March 16 April 10 April 15 April 16 April 30
Tier 1 submissions Acceptance/rejection Final paper due Tier 2 submissions due Tier 2 decisions Early registration Final poster/demo due
For Attendees: (NB: Workshop attendees have to register to CRV'06 conference)
- Registration Page
- Local information
Experts: interested in joining Program or Reviewing Committee in future workshops ?
Companies: interested to sponsor an award or future workshops ?
Program Chairs:
Robert Laganière , U. of Ottawa, Canada
Qiang Ji, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA
Program Committee:
Andy Adler , Carleton University, Canada
Haizhou Ai , Tsinghua University, China
Jake Aggarwal, U. of Texas, USA
Bubaker Boufama, U. of Windsor, Canada
Rama Chellappa, UMD, USA
Langis Gagnon CRIM, Canada
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy IIT-NRC, Canada
Ralph Gross, CMU, USA
Anthony Hoogs, GE Global Research, USA
Anil Jain, Michigan State U., USA
Stan Z. Li, Center for Biometrics, China
Jim Little, U. of British Columbia, Canada
Michael J. Lyons, ATR, Japan
Aleix M. Martinez , Ohio State University, USA
Amar Mitiche, INRS, Canada
Sinjini Mitra, U. of Southern California, USA
Matthew Turk , U. of California at Saint Barbara, USA
Lijun Yin, SUNY at Binghamton, USA
Djemel Ziou, U. de Sherbrooke, Canada
Past workshops:
VP4S-06 (jointly with CRV'06) FPiV'05 (jointly with CRV'05) FPiV'04 (jointly with CVPR'04)
Joint conferences: AI 2007, GI 2007, CRV 2007
Related Resources: - links to Canadian Computer Vision companies and labs and affiliated resources

The First International Workshop on Video Processing and Recognition (VideoRec'07) is the fourth in a sequence of workshops organized in the area of video processing: FPiV'04 , FPiV'05 and VP4S-06.
As its predecessors, the VideoRec'07 workshop is dedicated to the problems of processing and recognizing video data, in particular such as coming from TV, surveillance cameras or web/PDA cameras.
Submission and reviewing procedure: two-tier archival system
Logistically, VideoRec'07 follows the organization and standards set by the last year's Workshop on Video Processing for Security (VP4S-06), which aims at both: i) distinguishing the papers that contribute significantly to the advances in the area, and ii) providing the forum for discussing and presenting the results for students, researchers and industries.
To achieve both of these goals, the workshop uses a two-tier submission procedure.
Tier I submissions: submission and reviewing process
For the Tier I, the original full-size (not more than 8 pages) papers written analyzing video context for recognition and understanding applications are welcomed for submission. Each Tier I submission will be reviewed by three Program Committee members. Reviewing is double blind (author don't know the reviewers, reviewers don't know the authors). The goal is to have as vigorous and fair reviewing of all papers as possible.
The Tier I accepted papers will be presented at the oral session and published by IEEE as part of the CRV'07 Proceedings. A CD version of the Proceedings will be distributed at the CRV'07 conference (archived into the IEEE Computer Society's digital library and the IEEE's XPlore and IEL digital libraries and indexed through the INSPEC indexing service).
For the Tier II, the workshop invites submissions that are not or may not be accepted for IEEE publishing. This includes late full papers, posters, demos, student projects reports, industrial projects presentations submissions etc. There are no restrictions on the size of the Tier II submissions.
The Tier II accepted submissions will be presented at the poster session and will be published at the conference web-site archived by the CIPPRS.
Invited topics include but are not limited to:
- all aspects of surveillance and monitoring - faces in video: tracking, detecting, memorizing and recognizing faces in video - people in video: tracking and backtracking people in video, pedestrians - objects in video: searching and tracking, vehicles - scene and activity in video: detection and annotation - video-based alarm systems and video for crime prevention - making video more intelligent - multiple-person and gang tracking - multi-camera people tracking - video for biometrics, soft- and hard- biometrics from video - face biometrics, modeling, and models - facial expression recognition and classification, and representation - combining video data with other sensor data: range, photo, fingerprints - video over internet, issues related to privacy of video - performance evaluation for face in video problems - video-based benchmarks and databases - processing of video from stereo and panoramic cameras - combining video and audio for person detection/recognition - video-based interfaces and computer-human interaction for security - analyzing multiplexed video, demultiplexing of video - improving quality of video: anti-aliasing and super-resolution - video event detection and recognition - video database mining - rigid and non-rigid 3D motion estimation from video
For paper formatting and submission instructions visit Authors Page (Submission Instructions).
Workshop proceedings. The Tier I selected papers will be published by IEEE as part of the CRV'07 Proceedings electronically (archived into the IEEE Computer Society's digital library and the IEEE's XPlore and IEL digital libraries and indexed through the INSPEC indexing service). - See Tier I submissions procedure.
The Tier II accepted submissions will be published online at the CIPPRS-sponsored workshop web-site. - See Tier II submissions procedure.
Workshop Layout. Following the layout of its predecessors, the VideoRec07 workshop will be held as a Special Session of the CRV'06 conference and will consist of an oral section, where the papers accepted for IEEE publication will be presented, and an poster/demo session, which will be held concurrently with the poster session of joint conferences (AI'07, GI'07, CRV'07), where other Tier II accepted submissions will be presented.
Best Student Paper Award. In collaboration with Point Grey Research Inc. an award will be given to the best student paper of the workshop.
Who can attend: Participation in the workshop without submitting a paper is welcomed. - For a single registration fee, the workshop participants will also be able to attend the joint conferences. Conversely, the Workshop is open to all AI/GI/CRV'2007 attendees. Student participation is encouraged by significantly discounted registration fees.
About venue: Montreal offers the visitors a variety of affordable and interesting places to visit.
Sponsors and organizers:
Sponsored by:
Institute of Information Technology, National Research Council of Canada (IIT-NRC)
Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society (CIPPRS)
Endorsed by: